Nadi Pariksha to find out prognosis of cancer.

Nadi Pariksha to find out prognosis of cancer.
Cancer, one of the most challenging and spreading diseases of the 21st century, which has now officially become the most dangerous killer in the world according to the World Health Organization.
No one can deny the fact that cancer is related to modernization and an unhealthy and stressful lifestyle. Scientists are making their best efforts to fight against this disease; however, the sure-shot cure is still awaited.
In ayurveda, the concept of cancer is discussed by Charaka and Sushruta as Arbud and Granthi (inflammatory and non-inflammatory swelling) in our body.
Vata, Pitta Kapha are 3 critical forces which maintain our healthy status.
In cancer these 3 forces are completely disturbed causing tissue damage (dhatu vitiation), metabolic disaster and signs and symptoms of cancer.
Granthi can be considered benign tumours , Arbuda resembling malignant tumours.
Granthi along with all ३ dosha in association with mansa, meda, asthi dhatu forming defined capsulated swelling, palpable, more painful if vata dominated, burning if pitta, and dull or no pain heaviness if kapha dominated.
In Arbuda- malignant tumours, similar to granthi pathogenesis but dominated by pitta dosha and rasa, rakta dhatu, causing severe inflammatory and tissue damaging and rapid body wide spread. This Makes it challenging to treat and even difficult to control its spread in the body.
Imbalanced all 3 dosha loses coordination with all dhatu (body tissues), deterioration of normal body system function expressing wide range of signs and symptoms with loss of appetite, sudden weight loss (Cachexia), pain, disturbed body system functioning, reassembling with other normal disorders, this is making cancer challenging to detect in early stages.
Diagnosis through ashtavidha pariksha, mainly nadi pariksha can be done with experts in Ayurveda.
Nadi, which is durbal, Kathin, gambhir shows above symptoms of cancer. Also, as per predominance of dosha nadi properties are observed.
Prognosis in different stages of cancer and its severity can be diagnosed with Nadi pariksha. Sukhasadhya, kashtasadhya or asadhya.
To avoid and as preventative care, everyone should follow a healthy lifestyle and stress-free mind. Consult an Ayurveda physician to diagnose cancer in an early stage to gain a healthy and peaceful life.
Vaidya. Tejaswini Sameer Bhale
Ayurvedacharya, PGPP, MBA, DYA
Prakruti Ayurveda and Panchakarma Clinic, Pune
Nadi Pariksha domain expertise
Nadi Tarangini, Atreya Innovations Pvt Ltd. Pune
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