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Vasant rutu – Season of Detox and self-care

Vasant rutu – Season of Detox and self-care

Nature is blessed with blooming of flowers, cold breeze in the nighttime and colorful trees around is the perfect picture of Vasant rutu or spring.
Sunny hot days and colder nights create fluctuations in the inner health causing health issues. It also brings many festivals and events in their months of Chaitra and Vaishakh.
Nature is the best healer and destructor too. On the same principle Ayurveda has described the food, exercise and sleep pattern which is called Rutucharya.
It emphasizes the importance of self-care, mindfulness, and a connection with nature. By following the Vasant Ritucharya, one can promote physical, mental, and emotional health, and also can prevent diseases. In the Vasant rutu, sweetness, Unctuousness in the body provokes which was accumulated in the previous rutu of Shishir. These are the properties of kapha dosha or water element. It shows heaviness, sluggishness and excess mucus secretions in the body.

As blooming of flowers is going on it causes allergies showing cold, cough, running nose or skin issues.
Everyone should follow a regime to detox and balance this kapha. This is the best time of the year to detox, rejuvenate and gain health.
Vamana is the detox process that comes under Panchakarma therapies and is the most suggested treatment in Vasant. Also, Nasya, karnapurana therapies help to detox the body.

Vasant Rutu Blooming flowers

Avoid afternoon sleep in Vasant as it provokes kapha but proper rest and nighttime sleep is needed to gain strength and vitality.
Digestive fire becomes weak and so food should be warm, easy to digest and with spices. Soups, green gram recipes, rice flour, cooked or tossed salads, leafy, fruit vegetables and rice recipes are recommended.
Strength of a person is fair in Vasant which suggests doing Yoga and exercises in the morning time.

In conclusion, Vasant Rutucharya offers a holistic approach staying healthy. By incorporating diet, exercise, rest, self-care practices and herbal therapies, one can detoxify, maintain balance and improve vitality during this time of rejuvenation. All should maintain balance and harmony in both the mind and body and promote overall health and well-being.

Author- Vaidya Tejaswini Sameer Bhale
Ayurveda Physician
Nadi Pariksha and Product domain expertise, Nadi Tarangini, Atreya Innovations Pvt Ltd

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